New UCI P30 Skin Center Enrichment Program Opportunities
1. Trainee Meeting Attendance/Travel Award
Purpose: To support the registration and travel costs for trainees to attend and present their research at a meeting or conference.
Eligibility: Trainees of faculty members in the UCI P30 Skin Center (including external members).
Award Amount: $1,000 (3 awards per year)
2.External Member Collaboration/Core Use Award
Purpose: To support the travel of PIs or trainees from external member laboratories to use the UCI P30 Skin Center Core(s) or collaborate with UCI P30 members/investigator(s).
Eligibility: PIs or trainees from UCI P30 Skin Center external member laboratories.
Award Amount: $3,000 (3 awards per year)
3.Manuscript/Grant Revision Award
Purpose: To support efforts that are needed to revise a manuscript or a grant proposal for resubmission.
Eligibility: All UCI P30 Skin Center faculty members (including external members).
Award Amount: $5,000 to $10,000 (3 awards per year)
4.Team-Building Award
Purpose: To help support theme-focused collaborative teams and/or to develop (new) collaborative research programs.
Eligibility: All UCI P30 Skin Center faculty members (including external members).
Award Amount: $6,000 (1 award per year)