2021 UCI/UM Seed Grant Program Call for Proposals
2021 UCI/UM Seed Grant Program
Call for Proposals
The Skin Biology Resource-based Center at University of California, Irvine and The University of Michigan Skin Biology and Diseases Resourced-based Center invite investigators to submit research feasibility proposals to fund investigators and promote interdisciplinary engagement between the groups in the field of dermatology. The Seed Grant Program will provide direct support for research in an effort to drive collaborative innovative preliminary studies and new technology development. We will solicit applications for 1-2 awards, aimed specifically at supporting the development of innovative technology or experimental approaches in skin biology and/or related diseases.
Funds Available
- $40,000 - $80,000
Number of Potential Awardees
- 1 - 2 Awards ($40,000 each)
- UCI/UM will each contribute $20,000 to one award; total of $40,000 per award
Eligibility Requirements
- NIH eligible PIs or eligible graduate students and Post-docs through their mentors from UCI or UM
- Multiple PI format with at least one PI from each institution (UCI/UM) and at least one being an attendee of the UCI/UM Joint Symposium for Skin Research
- Proposed studies must have direct relevance to the study of skin biology and/or disease. The NIH/NIAMS does not allow us to fund cancer research feasibility studies.
- Investigators who are not yet working in skin
- New or early-stage investigators
- Proposed use of UCI-SBRC and UM-SBDRC Cores
Deadline & Important Dates
- Due Date: April 23, 2021
- Funding Date: November 1, 2021
Application instructions
- Maximum 2 pages (references not included) written in a succinct format to include:
- Introduction
- Significance
- Approach
- Expected Results
- Potential Pitfalls
- NIH biosketches
- Other Support
- Facilities and Resources
- Research Budget & Justification
- Please note that funding is limited to only research supplies and services
- Both Vertebrate Animal and Human Subjects sections, if relevant, to insure adherence to all institutional (IACUC, IRB) and federal guidelines and policies.
- Approval letters for Vertebrate Animal and Human Subjects sections, if relevant
Application submission instructions
- E-mail in one pdf file to: Carmel McKeon, UM-SBDRC Center Administrator, cmmckeon@med.
Evaluation of Project Proposals
The UCI/UM Joint Seed Grant Committee will review all applications.
Seed Award proposals will be ranked using an NIH scale (1-9), with the review criteria restricted to:
- The perceived significance of the proposed new technology or experimental approach
- Applicability to more than one project
- Experimental strategy
- Overall merit
After reviewing proposals, the Committee members will assign scores and prepare brief critiques, vote to assign final scores and then vote on which proposals to fund.
Post Awardee Requirements
- Present an oral presentation of their project at the UCI-SBRC or UM-SBDRC Annual Symposiums
- Provide a 1-2 page summary (progress report) of their results to be included in the UCI-SBRC or UM-SBDRC annual Progress Reports.
- Acknowledge funding and grant support from UCI-SBRC P30AR075047 and UM-SBDRC P30AR075043 on any publications including data generated or arising from funding.
- Report any subsequent grant funding that resulted from the Seed grant feasibility funding
The UCI-SBRC and UM-SBDRC are P30s funded by the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS). Please visit the following links for the Center’s full description:
Program Contact Information:
Carmel McKeon
UM-SBDRC Center Grant Administrator
Dermatology Department
6447 Med Sci I
Ann Arbor MI 48109-5609
Office: 734.647.0078 | cmmckeon@med.umich.edu
Rachelle D. Narvas
Stem Cell Research Center | Sue & Bill Gross Hall, Room 4030
University of California, Irvine
845 Health Sciences Road
Irvine, CA 92697-1705
(949) 824-0654 Office | manzanor@uci.edu