P30 Resource Cores

Associate Directors: Scott Atwood & Mihaela Balu

The goal of the Imaging Core is to enable skin biology researchers to incorporate the latest imaging technology into their research, whether it be in vivo in humans or animals, or ex vivo using live or fixed tissues/cells. The core is specifically adept at engineering new imaging solutions to fit a particular application, enhancing the impact and innovation of publications. We help skin biologists: 

  • Identify the right technology for their experiments and aid in experimental design.
  • Train them and their teams in hands on use of the imaging devices.
  • Review data acquired to troubleshoot and enhance data acquisition. 
  • Develop an analytic framework for their studies, together with the systems biology core.

In the current iteration, the Core has been expanded to include 3D skin equivalent organoids and their analysis, and is linked to faculty who will aid in further technology development. We help investigators establish and use skin organoids with different cellular compositions and help discern functional relationships between genes and skin homeostasis and disease. 

Director Suzanne Sandmeyer & Associate Director Max Plikus

The core functions to promote genomics approaches to skin biology and disease research by enabling investigations that dissect molecular and cellular heterogeneities within skin in order to predict lineages, cell state transitions and cellular interactions. Specifically, the core supports technologies to genomic DNA sequencing; bulk, single cell, and spatial transcriptomic sequencing; as well as bioinformatic analysis of sequencing data across these platforms.

The Core has significant strengths in single cell genomics and, in its current iteration, it has evolved to include a greater focus on multiome approaches and spatial transcriptomics.

Director Arthur Lander & Associate Director Xing Dai

The goal of the Systems Biology Core is to empower skin biology researchers to integrate systems biology approaches into their work, enhancing research productivity and the impact of publications. We support skin biologists in:

  • Deriving meaningful insights from complex, high-dimensional data.
  • Building and analyzing explicit, quantitative models.
  • Interpreting, analyzing, and integrating data (including data generated by other Cores) using models.
  • Generating and prioritizing testable hypotheses about biological functions.
  • Engaging with literature and methodologies grounded in systems biology.

Director Bogi Anderson (PD/PI) & Associate Directors Anand Ganesan (MPI) and Arthur Lander (MPI)

The Administrative Core provides centralized administrative, clerical, logistical and organizational services and resources to meet the needs of the Center and associated research personnel. The Administrative Core personnel facilitate interactions with members of local and national biomedical research communities in areas within the mission of NIAMS.

SkinGenes Database